Ancillary Materials
A Career with Meaning, 2nd ed.
A Career with Meaning, 3rd ed.
A Social Psychology of Leisure, 3rd ed.
Active Living in Older Adulthood
Instructor Resources:
Adventure Programming and Travel for the 21st Century
Instructor Resources:
An Introduction to Park Management, 4th ed.
An Introduction to Tourism
Application of Behavior Analysis in Leisure Contexts
Applications in Recreation and Leisure For Today and the Future, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Assistive Devices, Adaptive Strategies, and Recreational Activity for Students With Disabilities
ATRA 2017 Annual in Therapeutic Recreation, Vol. 24
ATRA Guidelines for the Ethical Practice of Recreational Therapy
The Basics of Athletic Training 8th ed
Basic Athletic Training, 7th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Beneficial Risks
Brain Fitness
Case Studies in Therapeutic Recreation
Client Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation Services
Community Development
Community Parks and Recreation
Instructor Resources:
Comprehensive Manual of Taping, Wrapping, and Protective Devices, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Creating Special Events, 2nd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Designing and Implementing Effective Adapted Physical Education Programs
Diversity and Inclusion in the Recreation Profession, 3rd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Recreation Profession, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Effective Management in Therapeutic Recreation Service, 3rd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Effective Management in Therapeutic Recreation Service, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Evaluating Recreation Services, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Facilitation of Therapeutic Recreation Services
Instructor Resources:
Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation, 3rd ed.
Facility Management for Physical Activity and Sport, 2nd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Facility Planning and Design for Health, Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sport, 14th ed
Instructor Resources:
Financial Resource Management, 3rd ed.
Financing the Sport Enterprise, 2nd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Finding Leisure in China
Footprints on the Land
Group Games and Activity Leadership
High Performance Agencies
Human Resource Management in Recreation, Sport, and Leisure Services
Instructor Resources:
Implementing Recreation and Leisure Opportunities for Infants and Toddlers With Disabilities
Improving Leisure Services Through Marketing Action
Instructor Resources:
Including Youth With Disabilities in Outdoor Programs
Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Leisure Services
Inclusive Leisure Services, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Inclusive Leisure Services, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Integrating Social Sciences With Ecosystem Management
Interactive Health and Fitness
Instructor Resources:
Internships in Recreation and Leisure Services, 6th ed.
Internships in Sport Management
Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage for a Better World
Introduction to Commercial Recreation and Tourism, 7th ed.
Introduction to Commercial Recreation and Tourism, 8th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Introduction to Community Tourism
Instructor Resources:
Introduction to Leisure Services
Instructor Resources:
Introduction to Recreation Services
Instructor Resources:
Introduction to Recreation Services for People With Disabilities, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
- Instructor's Guide (3rd Ed.)
- Sample Calendar Quarters (2004 Standards) (3rd Ed.)
- Sample Calendar Quarters (2013 Standards) (3rd Ed.)
- Sample Calendar Semesters (2004 Standards) (3rd Ed.)
- Sample Calendar Semesters (2013 Standards) (3rd Ed.)
- Sample Assignments (3rd Ed.)
- PowerPoint Intro Chapter (3rd Ed.)
- PowerPoint Chapters 1 - 9 (3rd Ed.)
- PowerPoint Chapters 10 - 17
Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation
Introduction to Writing Goals and Objectives
Israeli Life and Leisure in the 21st Century
Just Leisure
Kids at Hope, 3rd ed.
Leadership and Administration of Outdoor Pursuits, 3rd ed.
Leadership for Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services, 4th ed.
Leadership in Leisure Services, 4th ed.
Leadership in Recreation, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Legal Concepts in Sport, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Legal Liability in Recreation, Sports, and Tourism, 4th ed.
Leisure and Aging, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Student Resources:
Leisure and Human Development
Leisure as Transformation, 2nd ed.
Leisure Education
Leisure Education I, 2nd ed.
Leisure Education II, 2nd ed.
Leisure Education III, 2nd ed.
Leisure Education IV, 2nd ed.
Leisure Education Program Planning, 4th ed.
Leisure Education Program Planning, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Leisure Enhancement, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Leisure for Canadians, 2nd ed.
Leisure From International Voices
Leisure in Later Life, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Leisure Matters
Leisure, 4th ed.
Leisure, Health, and Wellness
Leisure, Women, and Gender
Instructor Resources:
Lessons Learned
Making the Most of Your Internship
Instructor Resources:
Making Visitors Mindful
Management Functions in Recreational Therapy
Instructor Resources:
Management Strategies, 2nd ed.
Managing Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services, 4th ed.
Marketing in Leisure and Tourism
Measuring Tourism Performance
Music Therapy and Leisure for Persons With Disabilities
Natural Resources and the Informed Citizen, 2nd ed.
Needs Assessment, 2nd ed.
Nonprofit Law
Outdoor Recreation and Our Military Family
Outdoor Recreation Insurance, Risk Management, and Law
Instructor Resources:
Outdoor Recreation, 4th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Outdoor Recreation, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Park and Recreation Maintenance Management, 4th ed.
Partnerships and Alliances in Sport for Development and Peace
Pastimes, 6th ed.
Pastimes, 7th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Student Resources:
Pastimes, 8th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Perspectives on Recreational Therapy
Instructor Resources:
Philosophies of Sport Management
Physical Education and Health
Positioning of Tourist Destinations
Pricing Recreation and Park Services
Problem Solving in Recreation and Parks, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Professional Issues in Therapeutic Recreation, 3rd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Programming for Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Services, 4th ed.
Recreation Program Planning Manual for Older Adults
Recreation Programming, 8th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Student Resources:
Recreation Therapy With Individuals Living in the Community, 3rd ed.
Recreational and Leisure Programming a 21st Century Perspective (8843)
Recreational Sport Management, 6th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Recreational Therapy for Older Adults
Recreational Therapy, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Student Resources:
REH 220 – Introduction to Developmental Disabilities
Research Methods, 3rd ed.
Risk Management for Park, Recreation, and Leisure Services, 7th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Service Living
Small Community Parks and Recreation Master Planning Resource Guide Version II Individual Professional/Student Edition
Small Community Parks and Recreation Master Planning Resource Guide Version I–Agency/Educator Edition
Sport and Violence
Sport Governance in North America, 2nd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Sport Management 2nd
Instructor Resources:
Sport Management
Instructor Resources:
Sport, Physical Activity, and the Law, 3rd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Stewards of Access/Custodians of Choice, 4th ed.
Study Guide for the Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Certification Examination, 5th ed.
Supporting Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Recreation, 2nd ed.
Survey Research and Analysis, 2nd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Taking the Initiative
Teaching Cases in the Philanthropic and Nonprofit Sector
Instructor Resources:
The Basics of Athletic Training 8th ed
The Complete Swimming Pool Reference, 3rd ed.
The Fuller Life Man
The Fun Encyclopedia for Therapists
The Future of Leisure, Tourism, and Sport
The Game Finder
The Gifts of Interpretation, 3rd ed.
The Impact on Property Values of Parks, Trails, Golf Courses, and Water Amenities
The Leader's Handbook, 2nd ed.
The Management of Fitness, Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sport
Instructor Resources:
The Principles of Sport Marketing
Instructor Resources:
The Soul, Science, and Culture of Hope
The Wilderness Within, 5th ed.
Therapeutic Recreation Practice
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques, 8th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Student Resources:
Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques, 9th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Student Resources:
Therapeutic Recreation Program Design, 5th ed.
Instructor Resources:
Therapeutic Recreation Program Design, 6th Ed
Therapeutic Recreation Programming
Therapeutic Recreation: A Strengths Approach 2nd ed.
This Land Is Your Land
Tourism Policy
Understanding Leisure in the Ever-Changing World
Instructor Resources:
Why People Play
Youth Development
Youth Development Principles and Practices in Out-of-School Time Settings, 2nd ed.
Instructor Resources:
Youth Programs
A full list of Ancillary Materials is accessible to logged-in Educators.