Barbara Elwood Schlatter - Author
Barbara Elwood Schlatter, PhD, began her career designing outdoor recreation experiences for adolescents with learning disabilities in rural Vermont. As a Peace Corps Volunteer, she facilitated after-school program programs and organized community events in Jalapa, Guatemala.
Barb earned her bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degrees from SUNY Cortland, Springfield College, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, respectively. Her career in higher education spanning more than 30 years included academic appointments at SUNY Cortland, Chicago State University, and Illinois State University where she earned the rank of professor and served as assistant director in the School of Kinesiology and Recreation.
Her teaching specializations included advanced experience facilitation, recreation programming, special events and tourism, and outdoor recreation. Her scholarly work is published in the Journal of Park and Recreation Administration; Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport; Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; and the Cyber Journal of Applied Leisure and Recreation Research.
She was the keynote speaker at the third Asean Conference on Physical Education, Health, and Sport in Nakhonpathom, Thailand, and delivered conference presentations in Guatemala, South Korea, China, Brazil, Sweden, Netherlands, Costa Rica, Poland, and Argentina on topics of recreation program planning practices. Barb was also a visiting professor at Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok, Thailand.
She is an elected Fellow in the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration. She served as president of the Academy of Leisure Sciences and holds memberships in World Leisure and the National Recreation and Park Association. For many years she served on a local Boys and Girls Club board of directors.
Barb enjoys traveling, bicycling, writing, playing the guitar and banjo, and spending time with family and friends.
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Recreation Programming, 8th ed. |