Recreation Programming: Designing, Staging, and Managing the Delivery of Leisure Experiences 9th edition eBook
Recreation Programming: Designing, Staging, and Managing the Delivery of Leisure Experiences provides a comprehensive guide to the art and science of creating memorable leisure experiences in parks, recreation, sport, tourism, and youth programs. Drawing upon the latest knowledge and professional practices, this book equips programmers with the skills needed to design, stage, evaluate, and manage leisure activities across government, commercial, and not-for-profit agencies.
Key features include:
- An exploration of basic leisure theory and its application in real-world settings.
- A detailed examination of the structure of situated activity systems that facilitate social interactions and leisure experiences.
- Step-by-step guidance on program design, from conceptualization to execution.
- Practical procedures and techniques for staging, evaluating, and managing recreation programs.
- Updated content on marketing and finance, addressing the essential aspects of promoting and funding leisure programs.
Written by academics who have served as recreation programmers for diverse populations, this book blends theoretical knowledge with practical expertise. It is an invaluable resource for students in higher education and practitioners committed to delivering quality leisure experiences.
About the Authors
Part I: Foundations for Programming
Chapter 1: Basic Programming Concepts
Chapter 2: How Individuals Experience Leisure
Chapter 3: Six Key Elements of a Situated Activity System
Chapter 4: Developing Leisure Products in the Experience Economy
Chapter 5: Collaborating in Developing an Organization’s Strategy
Part II: Determining Agency Culture
Chapter 6: Developing the Agency’s Programming Mission
Chapter 7: Developing Strategic Directions
Part III: Program Development
Chapter 8: Gathering Input for Program Development
Chapter 9: Writing Program Design and Outcome Statements
Chapter 10: Program Design
Chapter 11: From Benefits-Based Programming to Intentionally Designed Leisure Experiences
Part IV: Operational Strategies
Chapter 12: Preparing the Program Plan
Chapter 13: Marketing the Program
Chapter 14: Registration Procedures
Chapter 15: Staffing and Supervising Program Operations
Chapter 16: Developing a Program Pricing Philosophy
Chapter 17: Determining Program Costs
Chapter 18: Pricing Program Services
Part V: Follow-Up Analysis
Chapter 19: Program Evaluation Techniques
Chapter 20: Developing a Comprehensive Evaluation System
Chapter 21: Making Decisions About Program Services