The Complete Swimming Pool Reference, 3rd ed. - eBook
The Complete Swimming Pool Reference, having been a respected staple in libraries of many aquatic professionals for nearly a quarter century, has been improved with up-to-date, cutting-edge information. The third edition brings to you our best and most recent efforts in this new authoritative text.
Rachel Griffiths and Tom Griffiths combine more than 50 years of professional swimming pool experience in this country and abroad to bring you the newest swimming pool technologies and information that will certainly improve the safety and enjoyment of your aquatic facility.
New and exciting information includes The Americans With Disabilities Act, expanded risk management chapters, in-depth discussions on water safety, and much more.
Section I: Pools
Chapter 1: A Water Safety Primer
Chapter 2: A Pool Primer: Basic Characteristics of Pools
Chapter 3: Residential Pools
Chapter 4: Traditional Public Pools
Chapter 5: Aquatic Facility Planning and Funding by Kevin Post
Chapter 6: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by John Caden
Section II: Mechanical
Chapter 7: Circulation
Chapter 8: Filtration
Chapter 9: Improving Air Quality in Indoor Pools
Section III: Water Chemistry
Chapter 10: Disinfection and Supplemental Sanitizers
Chapter 11: Ultraviolet Light (UV) Disinfection
Chapter 12: Chlorination and Bromination
Chapter 13: Superchlorination
Chapter 14: Pool Calculations
Chapter 15: pH, Water Balance, and Chemical Adjustments
Chapter 16: Water Testing
Chapter 17: Pool Problems
Chapter 18: Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs)
Section IV: Specialty Pools
Chapter 19: Hot Tubs and Spas
Chapter 20: Waterparks
Chapter 21: Winterizing
Section V: Safety, Supervision, and Risk Management
Chapter 22: The Psychology of Lifeguarding
Chapter 23: Preventive Lifeguarding
Chapter 24: Shallow Water Blackout
Chapter 25: Rethinking Pool Signage
Chapter 26: Diving and Other Headfirst Entries
Chapter 27: Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act and Body, Hair, and Limb Entrapments
Chapter 28: Practical Risk Management
Chapter 29: Insurance and Aquatic Risk Management by Gareth Hedges
Chapter 30: Legal Liability and Risk Management by Shawn P. DeRosa
Chapter 31: Preparing for and Coping with Emergencies by Shawn P. DeRosa
Chapter 32: Routine Operations: Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Chapter 33: Safe Handling of Pool Chemicals by Kerry Hoffman Richards