Labor Day - Closed September 2, 2024

Daniel L. Dustin - Author

Daniel L. Dustin is a professor in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism in the College of Health at the University of Utah.

He served previously as the department chair at Utah, and before that as Frost Professor and chair of the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation at Florida International University in Miami, and as professor and chair of the Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism at San Diego State University.

Dustin's academic interests center on environmental stewardship and the moral and ethical bases for leisure and recreation activity preferences and behaviors. A past president of the Society of Park and Recreation Educators (SPRE) and the Academy of Leisure Sciences, he is a recipient of the National Recreation and Park Association's Literary Award.

In 1994, he was named an honorary lifetime member of the California Park Rangers Association for his contributions to the literature of outdoor recreation planning and policy, and in 2001 he received the SPRE Distinguished Colleague Award for a lifetime of achievement.

Publications in which he was a contributing author or editor include Wilderness in America: Personal Perspectives; Beyond Promotion and Tenure: On Being a Professor; For the Good of the Order: Administering Academic Programs in Higher Education; Stewards of Access/Custodians of Choice: A Philosophical Foundation for the Park and Recreation Profession; Nature and the Human Spirit: Toward an Expanded Land Management Ethic; The Wilderness Within: Reflections on Leisure and Life; Making a Difference in Academic Life: A Handbook for Park, Recreation, and Tourism Educators and Graduate Students; Service Living: Building Community Through Public Parks and Recreation; Speaking Up and Speaking Out: Working for Social and Environmental Justice in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism; and Just Leisure: Things that We Believe In.

Just Leisure


Outdoor Recreation and Our Military Family



Service Living



Speaking Up and Speaking Out


Stewards of Access/Custodians of Choice, 4th ed.



The Fuller Life Man



The Right Administrative Stuff


The Wilderness Within, 5th ed.



This Land Is Your Land



The Wilderness Within 6th ed

