Planning for Recreation and Parks Facilities - eBook
Planning for Recreation and Parks Facilities: Predesign Process, Principles, and Strategies provides recreation students and practitioners with a practical guide to predesign area and facility planning. The book is divided into six sections that systematically progress through the planning process from basic principles to goal setting, date collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting. Section I deals primarily with an introduction to planning principles and the process that is necessary to establish a framework for planning. Sections II and III outline internal organization and external community factors and conditions that have an impact on recreation and park planning decisions. Section IV presents models and strategies to analyze and interpret multiple data sets and illustrates how this analysis assists in decision making and priority setting. Section V describes various types of recreation plans and illustrates how information and critical thinking are used to solve problems and identify the referred course of action in a planning context. Specifically, this section introduces creative approaches to parks and recreation master plans, facility feasibility studies, open space planning, and business and strategic planning. Section VI introduces how facilities are managed and operated once they have been developed
This book concludes by describing various planning models and the implications for facility management and operation.
About the Author
Planning Principles and Process
1.0 Planning Defined
1.1 Introduction to Area and Facility Planning
1.2 Area and Facility Planning Defined
1.3 Context for Planning and Management
1.4 Benefits of Planning and Evaluation
1.5 General Planning Principles
Common Planning Principles
1.6 Approaches to Planning
1.7 Planning Activities by Sector
1.8 Types of Plans
1.9 Keys to Successful Planning
2.0 Planning Process
2.1 Introduction to the Planning Process
2.2 Eight-Stage Approach to Planning
2.3 Planning Factors and Influences
Internal Organizational Planning Factors
3.0 Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Policies
3.1 Introduction to Goal Setting
3.2 Hierarchy of Goal Setting
3.3 Fundamental Beliefs, Values, and Principles
3.4 Mission
3.5 Goals
3.6 Objectives
3.7 Action Plan
3.8 Guide to Writing Goals
4.0 Supply Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Financial Capacity and Human Resources
4.3 Program Inventory
4.4 Facility Inventory
4.5 Defining Capacity and Efficiency Measures
4.5.1 Introduction
4.5.2 Evaluation, Assessment, and Efficiency Measurement
Three Measures of Efficiency
External Planning Factors and Conditions
5.0 Future Trends & Forecasting
5.1 Introduction to Trends and Probable Futures
5.2 Defining the Conditions of Change
5.3 Guidelines for Forecasting
5.4 Techniques for Forecasting
5.5 Trends in Leisure Programs and Facilities
5.5.1 Facility Trends
5.5.2 Program and Activity Trends
6.0 Demographics and Community Profiles
6.1 Introduction to Demographics and Community Profiles
6.2 Significance of Demographics
6.3 Impact of Demographics on Recreation Planning
6.4 Issues and Limitations Related to Demographic Profiling
7.0 Demand Analysis and Public Consultation
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Need and Demand
7.2.1 Needs Defined
7.2.2 Demand Defined
7.2.3 Measuring Demand
7.3 Public Consultation
7.3.1 Introduction
7.3.2 Benefits of Public Consultation
7.3.3 Three Steps to Meaningful Public Participation
7.4 Conducting Survey Research
8.0 Standards
8.1 Introduction Standards
8.2 Definitions and Typology of Standards
8.3 Principles and Practices in the Implementation of Standards
8.4 Limitations of the Use of Standards in Planning
Synthesis, Analysis, and Reporting
9.0 Data Analysis and Interpretation
9.1 Introduction
9.2 The Eight-Step Approach to Decision Making
9.3 Priority Criteria Rating System—An Introduction
9.4 The Priority Criterion Rating System— A Model for Decision Making
Types of Plans and Reports
10.0 Parks and Recreation Master Planning
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Definition of a Parks and Recreation Master Plan
10.3 Value of Master Planning
10.4 Content of a Master Plan
10.5 Master Planning Process
11.0 Facility Feasibility and Development
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Pre-Design Planning and Feasibility Analysis
11.3 Facility Design Stage
11.4 Facility Construction Stage
11.5 Operation, Governance, and Maintenance
12.0 Strategic Planning
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Benefits of Strategic Planning
12.3 Process for Strategic Planning
13.0 Business Planning
13.1 Introduction to Business Planning
13.2 Components of a Business Plan
14.0 Open Space Planning—A Systems Approach
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Benefits of Parks and Open Space
14.3 Definition of Open Space
14.4 Six-Step Approach to Open Space Planning
Facility Operation and Maintenance
15.0 Maintenance Management Systems
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Maintenance Defined
15.3 Planned Maintenance Management System
15.4 Life Cycle Management
Web and Related Resources
Appendix A: Sample RFP—Request for Proposals
Appendix B: Facility Assessment Process—A Checklist
Appendix C: PERC Priority Rating System— City of Red Deer Case Study
Appendix D: Site Selection Process—A Case Study